Monday, April 29, 2013

From My Mother's Journal. Entry April 26-29, 1998.

From My Mother's Journal

Sunday "April 26, 1998

I saw Jered after church.  he was doing his usual, piddling around the house and then working on his car.  He was fixing the drivers side door at the time.  I was impressed that he fixed it and he was thinking about fixing his head lights next.  that was my last conversation with Jered that day.  Michelle's mom called around 6:30pm to tell us that Jered was sick.  He had vomited and was lying on the carpet asleep.  When we came to rouse him, he wouldn't wake up.  We turned him over and realized Jered wasn't asleep.  He was appearing to try to vomit, his eyes were dilated and he had wet himself.  We called 911.  They arrived and began assessing him and putting in an I.V..  One medic questioned us about narcotics.  I guess it's routine to ask those kinds of questions over and over.  Dad was getting upset with them because they were asking too many questions and not treating the problem at hand with more urgency.

Arrived in emergency at 9pm.  The waiting kills the spirit and the mind runs wild.  We were told Jered appeared to have had an aneurysm.  Surgery at this time was impossible because Jered may not survive.  Draining the fluid off his brain was important.  So a drain was put in on the top of his head.  We were allowed to see him before they moved him to I.C.U..

Monday April 27, 1998

Jered is in a coma.  Doctors say they can't operate.  It could be fatal.  Blood is draining from his head and seems to be in large amounts.  The Cat Scan from Sunday night revealed a massive bleed.  The crowd Sunday night was so large they had to open the cafeteria.  Everyone came to support you Jered.  There was so much sadness.

Monday brought more people.  West students were everywhere.  Just to see Jered.  Jered is (in) very critical (condition).

Tuesday  April 28, 1998.

Arteriogram was done.  Jered was so sensitive and easily stimulated your I.C.P.'s, pressures, heart rage was too high.  You were unable to stand the moving around.  Your heart almost stopped.  Your chances were 60-40.

Wednesday April 29.

Jered is having an M.R.I. done.  When they take him down the hall his friends line up along the wall just to catch a glimpse of him.  Sarah, from Michigan, flew in for a week.  She's been here at the hospital 2 or 3 times, maybe more.

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